Japan Flora & Fauna Amateur Radio Awards - JAFF Awards- Rules
1. The Japan Flora & Fauna Amateur Radio Awards -JAFF Awards- are issued by the NPO, the “Japan Flora & Fauna Amateur Radio Award Program.”
2. The organization consists of the radio amateurs who are interested in the JAFF and WWFF programs.
3. The JAFF Awards are issued in two categories: the hunter and the activator.
4. The following rules apply for a “JAFF Award -Hunter-”.
(1) There are four different classes:
Class 4 / Bronze: 11 QSO's have to be made with 11 different JAFF references.
Class 3 / Silver: 22 QSO's have to be made with 22 different JAFF references.
Class 2 / Gold: 44 QSO's have to be made with 44 different JAFF references.
Class 1 / Platinum: 88 QSO's have to be made with 88 different JAFF references.
(2) The special “JAFF National Parks Award” is issued for hunters.
33 QSO's have to be made with 33 different JAFF references of national parks and quasi-national parks.
Only one reference can be counted for the same national and quasi-national parks with more than one reference numbers for this award.
(3) A QSO of any band and of any mode is valid.
5. The following rules apply for a "JAFF Award -Activator-":
(1) There are levels 11, 22, 44, and 88 activated JAFF references.
(2) All activations are to be controlled by the WWFF Logsearch, tab “Activator”.
6. The award is free and will be sent to the applicant by E-mail in digital format.
7. How to apply for the JAFF Awards other than the National Parks Award:
- All QSO's have to be verified by the WWFF Logsearch.
- Therefore the applicant should be registered to the WWFF Logsearch.
- Fill in applicant’s call and password as requested. Only valid calls will be accepted.
- In case the applicant is in the Logserach with different calls, enter applicant’s calls separated by commas.
- Execute a search with applicant’s call as a hunter or an activator.
- Select the tab “Programs and Awards".
- The applicant should see his/her search results for the different awards.
- Go to “JAFF”. The Logsearch will verify applicant’s log and show if he/she can apply for any of the JAFF Awards. The characters of the tubs will be highlighted in case the applicant meets our JAFF conditions. Tick the "Apply for JAFF-H" or "Apply for JAFF-A" box.
- The applicant should see his/her request on a refreshed page.
- Later the applicant should receive a confirmation of his/her request by mail.
- Our Award Manager will approve applicant’s request (if the applicant meets all conditions) and send the requested award to the applicant.
- We ONLY accept input from this WWFF Logsearch module.
8. How to apply for the “JAFF National Parks Award”:
- Please send an email to the JAFF Award Manager to apply. (The address is jaff-log@nifty.com)
- Attach a list of contacts with more than 33 different JAFF national and quasi-national parks. A copy of the JAFF part of the reference statistics will be accepted. (A screen shot is also accepted.)
9. Terms of activation of JAFF areas
The WWFF global rules apply for all JAFF activities with one exception: The clause 6.9 (minimum duration of 2 hours) should not be construed obligatory; the clear intention and the best effort by the activator is requested.
The awards for applications filed during the first three days (72 hours) after the start of the award program are issued according to the latest score in the WWFF Logsearch.